Yemen Unleash New Missiles That SHOCKED Israel!

Yemen Unleash New Missiles That SHOCKED Israel!

#israelpalestineconflict #israel #yemen

For years, the Houthi rebels who govern northern Yemen have sung slogans calling for the destruction of Israel during enormous gatherings. But they did nothing about it until the Israel-Hamas war began on October 7.
Welcome everyone, in today’s video; we’re going to tell you Yemen Unleash New Missiles That SHOCKED Israel! Inside the Iran-Backed Power Play
Since then, the Iran-backed Shia Muslim insurgency has launched at least six drone and missile attacks against southern Israel, causing little to no damage. On their way from northern Yemen, the majority of them were stopped by Israeli air defence.
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Yemen Unleash New Missiles That SHOCKED Israel! Inside the Iran-Backed Power Play
According to the Houthis, the onslaught is in revenge for Israel’s shelling of Gaza and will continue until “Israeli aggression ceases.” Here’s an overview of the attacks and the dangers they pose.
Israel recalls its ambassador in advance of a South African legislative vote to close the Israeli embassy.
The Houthis advanced from their base in Yemen’s northern mountains and took control of the capital, Sanaa, as well as other central sections of the country, in 2014.
The Islamist group adheres to the Shiite Zaydi faith, a sect of Shiite Islam found almost entirely in northwest Yemen. The majority of Yemenis are Sunni Muslims, while Zaydis constitute a sizable minority. Yemen’s ruling elite’s decades of marginalisation fostered the Houthi movement.
Their takeover triggered a bloody civil war. Saudi Arabia and its allies formed a military alliance to support the government that had been forced out of Sanaa to the south. Yemen has become a new battlefield in the regional conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran. More than 150,000 people have been killed in the conflict, which has resulted in one of the world’s biggest humanitarian disasters.
The Houthi movement adheres to a strict Islamist worldview. Its anti-American, anti-Saudi, and anti-Israeli rhetoric has toughened over time. Their official slogan is “God is the greatest, America is the greatest, Israel is the greatest.” Curse the Jews, Islam triumphs.”
The bombings constitute a public demonstration of support for Hamas, which is also supported by Iran, but they also represent the Houthis’ doctrine and objectives.
They join their friends in the region’s “Axis of Resistance,” a coalition of Iran-backed forces and governments. Other significant components, Hamas and Hezbollah, have been firing on Israel nonstop since the war began.
According to two Houthi officials, the group’s leadership is in contact with Hezbollah and Hamas about its military efforts, but not with the Iranian government. The officials refused to comment further and talked on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak with the media.
According to Farea al-Muslimi, a Yemen-focused research fellow at Chatham House, the Houthis’ anti-Western stance is a driving factor. “Their ‘death to America, death to Israel’ mantra is missing for electoral and voter reasons,” al-Muslimi explained. “It is a theology of life and ideology.”

yemen unleash new missiles that shocked israel!
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