Ukrainian forces reveal countermeasures against Russian stealth drones

Ukrainian joint forces commander Serhiy Nayev on Thursday (November 30) demonstrated a Shahed drone which he said air defence unit shot down over the weekend when Kyiv suffered Russia’s largest drone attack of the war.

Nayev said the drone was painted in black on purpose to make it inconspicuous and mislead air defence forces who use ordinary anti-aircraft guns.

But according to soldiers who operated Gepard anti-aircraft guns equipped with radiolocators, a drone’s colour and positioning of exhaust does not matter.

Air force chief Mykola Oleschuk said 74 of the 75 drones launched at Ukraine on Saturday (November 25) had been downed. The air raid warning lasted for six hours.

The target of Saturday’s attack was not immediately clear, but Ukraine has warned in recent weeks that Russia will once again wage an aerial campaign to destroy Ukraine’s energy system, as it sought to do last winter.

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